Forecast: Dark Days & Fiery Nights

Watchman on the tower, tell me what you see,
There’s a storm a-brewin’, gonna knock you to your knees.
Weatherman, tell me, is the watchman right?
Put your head ‘tween your knees and grab your ankles tight.
Where will it happen and where be its path?
From pole to pole, east to west, nowhere’s spared its wrath.
Tell me y’all are jiving and you’ve made this whole thing up,
No way we’ll have to drink from this poisonous cup.
Watchman said it’s coming as surely as can be,
There is not a hiding place as far as he can see.
Every kingdom on this earth has seen its rise and fall,
They thought they were almighty, wouldn’t listen to God’s call.
From Daniel to Jesus and John’s Revelation,
Foretold the great storm and the soon conflagration.
Nothing can stop it, it’s written in stone,
No time like it has ever been known.
Will we be raptured and taken away?
Will those that we love be here on that day?
The signs all around tell that the storm is near,
But let us trust in God and only Him fear.
Christ will return, riding white horse,
But not till the tempest, has run its full course.
Will we leave this earth before that dreadful day?
But mind Jesus’ words to “watch and to pray.”


For it will come on all those who live on the face of the whole earth.
Luke 21:35

A note about “Forecast”: Isaiah 24, The Book of Daniel, Matthew 24, the book of Revelation, stick your head in the sand if you want, it’s coming.

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