Brotherhood of Adam, Brotherhood of Christ

Do unto others as Christ has done to you,
The hearts that do love and the hearts that hate too.
Our brothers in Christ we call them our friends,
But our brothers in Adam are prisoners of sin.
We hold the key to unlock and release,
The Word it is free and it gives us great peace.
How can they hear unless someone is sent?
Do you get my drift, can you take a hint?
As brothers in Christ we share a great light,
And our brothers in Adam we hope to give sight.
Jesus, He came to redeem sinful man,
And He charged us to carry out His greatest plan.
For we are the builders on God’s Cornerstone,
We build on God’s Kingdom when we make Jesus known.
A song for the deaf, a light in the dark,
A heart it is filled, a fire is sparked.
Only our God is the Giver of Life,
To only the brother who believes in the Christ.
In Adam we see all men as mortal,
In Christ we can see in eternity’s portal,
Born of the flesh, our lives are but smoke,
Born of the Spirit, is the life that Christ spoke.
Brotherhood of Adam, every man shares,
But the Brotherhood of Christ, nothing compares.
We would not leave our brothers on a sinking ship,
To pull them from the water, we need the strongest grip.
But our hands have no power to save a sinking soul,
But as Jesus rescued Peter, His words also can hold.
And pull a child of Adam from the fires of all hell,
But the duty rests on Christian brothers their duty is to tell.
And we must do it quickly; there is no promise of tomorrow,
And one who hasn’t heard the Word, his only hope is sorrow.
Brothers in Adam live under curse of death,
Brothers in Christ are forever blessed.


For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man,
how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace
and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!
Romans 5:17

A note about “Brotherhood of Adam, Brotherhood of Christ”: I asked some prisoners in a local jail where I was participating in Bible Study what topic they would like to delve in the following week. One of the brothers said brotherhood. I took that to mean the relationship between believers since he also told me he rarely comes out of his cell and mixes with others prisoners due to the prevalent presence of evil. But like it or not these are our brothers too and Jesus said those are who He came for. Hide it under a bush, Oh no! I’m gonna let it shine!

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