A Matter of Perspective

How big is your God, is He big as your house?
Does He seem like a cat, do you feel like a mouse?
Do you pray when you’re sick, like He’s a doctor on call?
Do you ask Him for His hand when you’ve taken a fall?
Like a dusty old book high on a shelf,
Do you reach for Him when it’s all about self?
Do you thank Him and praise Him like brown-nosers do?
Or is your heart humble, is your gratitude true?
Do you give Him your best, do you give Him your all,
Compared to His gifts, is your giving quite small?
Do you keep Him in a box, or inside your pocket,
To pull Him out when in need, otherwise you will lock it?
A user’s a loser even when man to man,
How can you use God when before Him you’ll stand?
The one thing He desires, all people can give,
As long as they breathe, every day that they live.
The rich and the poor, the deaf and the blind,
From all walks of life, folks of every kind.
The young and the old, faces ugly and pretty,
From country hillbillies to slicks in the city.
He desires your heart to seek Him unceasing,
And the things of this world you’ll soon be releasing.
As His light starts to shine in your dark heart within,
The filth is exposed of all Godless sin.
The law that He gave, we’ve all of us broken,
By the guilt that we feel, His soft voice has spoken.
He offers us all Love, mercy and grace,
Freely He gives, we accept it in faith.
The God who exceeds all space and all time,
Can fulfill our need, for He’s loving and kind.
And our need is just Him, no more and no less,
Without Him, not a soul will ever find rest.
Sweet Jesus, the Shepherd, who brings the flock home,
Though inclined to wander and subject to roam.
By His blood we’re made free from the wages of sin,
He’s the Creator of all and the Savior of men.
My God is much bigger than the furthest of stars,
And His Love is much greater than all sin that is ours.
So give Him your best, give a hundred percent,
As long as you live in this earthly tent.
For the time it is coming when all knees will bow,
To the King on His throne, get ready right now!


Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.
Isaiah 40:28

A note about “Matter of Perspective”: Most people believe there is a God. But it is the way we perceive Him that makes the difference. When a hurricane is bearing down on us, modern weather technology tells us when and where it will hit and also the intensity of it. We may believe nothing or only part of the forecast, but to ignore any of it could be a matter of life or death. So many people see God like the parents who “love” their children and withhold discipline. God is Holy and will judge sin. His Son has paid the debt for it. It’s all a matter of us receiving this Gift. We say we believe God is all powerful, forgiving, loving and promises us many things, but how does all that stack up when the rubber meets the road?

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