Alms for the Poor

Spirit Divine, draw those near
Who live in darkness, live in fear.
Shine your Light upon the Son,
And bid their hearts unto Him come.
No one comes unless You call,
So when I pray, may I give all.
Souls so weary, tattered and torn,
The world has beat them and shown them scorn.
They need Your grace; they need Your Love,
Desperate for healing from above.
Their Faith be weak, but so is mine,
And to me You’ve been much more than kind.
Your Love within me overflows,
And every day it grows and grows.
I share with them all I can,
But I am but a lowly man.
You are God of heaven and earth,
The Giver of life and of rebirth.
Heal their eyes as You did mine,
And they will see, yes they will find
Peace and joy, but not of this world,
But Your glory and purpose will unfurl.
You are given just for asking,
In the Son’s light they can be basking.
Draw them Spirit, oh this I plead,
For their souls too, Christ did bleed.
Free will is theirs; I know this is true,
But who could refuse Almighty You?
You will not force this I’m aware,
But show them like me, how much You care.
A Love so great when realized,
Is like a blind man just given eyes.
Touch their hearts, touch their soul,
Give them warmth, for the world’s so cold.
Surely Love sublime as Yours,
Can melt hard hearts and open doors.
Doors held fast with locks of sin,
But Christ, the key, can free all men.
Spirit Divine, draw precious Water,
For those who thirst, friends, sons and daughters.


But rather give alms of such things as ye have;
Luke 11:41

A note about “Alms for the Poor”: Alms – a metaphor for prayer. Though we may not all have money, we can all pray. The poor – no metaphor here, but this refers not to those who have no money, but to those who do not have a relationship of fellowship through Jesus Christ with God. Can there ever be a greater from of poverty?

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