Ark of the New Covenant

The world was full of evil men; their every thought was always sin,
They had no thought for God and His ways, but chose to ignore Him all their days.
It grieved our God and broke His heart; He decided the world would have a new start,
He’d sent a flood to destroy the earth, but Noah found grace and God gave new birth.
Noah’s ark a gift from above, it rose above death and showed God’s Love,
Above the waves of sin and death, where evil men drew their last breath.
God chose a man to give His grace, to carry on this human race.
Once again a world corrupt, unto our God men’s hearts were shut,
Though they had His word upon their tongue, their hearts were hard and to their own words clung.
And once again God’s heart was grieved, when men would not, could not God conceive.
He sent His Son to save all men, from their evil, from their sin,
Christ, God’s gift from above, He rose above death and lived God’s Love.
Above a world of sin and death, in Christ, the Ark, we find true rest,
God became a man to give His grace, and took our punishment in our place.
A new-born in a feed trough amidst the dung and mud,
Would soon declare unto the world they must eat His flesh and drink His blood.
This little babe was born to die, for this is why He came,
The Lamb of God without defect, His blood on our doorframe.
The door where enters eternity, when this dirty world we leave,
To all who trust His Holy Name and His sublime Love receive.
Revealed first unto the lowly shepherds, He’d one day be the best,
And then unto the wise men, He’s every wise man’s quest.
A little babe, Almighty God, can they be both the same?
Can the Maker of all there is be cursed with manmade pain?
In my life, my little world, my sins stack up as days unfurl,
I chose the broad and winding path that leads to death and to God’s wrath.
And now it’s me who’s caused Him pain, I say this with the greatest shame,
He came Himself in human form, my dark cold soul He has made warm.
My soul’s Ark the Living Christ, I ride the waves of sin and strife.
Above I look past sin and death; within God’s Ark I’m truly blest.
The infant, who’d be Kings of Kings, was born for me and of Him I sing.


Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign:
The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.
Isaiah 7:14

Sometimes Big things come in small packages! (A. Korn)

A note about “Ark of the New Covenant”: There are two kinds of prophecy concerning the coming Messiah in the Old Testament. Specific words as in Psalm 22:16-18 and Isaiah 53. The other would be recorded events such as the Exodus or Abraham’s call to sacrifice his son. We don’t think of a giant ship being compared to Jesus, but it’s a perfect fit. Somewhat in the same way our hearts receiving the King of the Universe is in many ways akin to His humble entrance into this world disguised as a pauper in the form of a servant. Even though this concept is meditated by my mind on a daily basis, my mind cannot fully embrace it. I should not expect a Love of such magnitude to fit in my little skull, but I can compare my heart to a small teacup being held under an eternal Niagara. Psalm 23:5

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