Monthly Archives: December 2013

The Grand Illusionist

That old serpent, the cunning one, has made off with my child. Will he take her down to hell, or keep her just a while? She loved our God and learned His ways, His bright and shining star, The snake … Continue reading

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In the deepest dungeon, in the darkest night, Within my soul floods the brightest of lights. Neither Satan, nor man’s shadow can possibly dim, It’s the glory of God and shines from within. It was bought by my Savior with … Continue reading

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Lady In White

Wisdom calls out, to all who will hear, Who love the truth, and unto God fear. Schools and diplomas can teach worldly gain, But knowledge of God is how we must train. What profits a man to gain the whole … Continue reading

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God Measures the Heart

We measure time, we measure space, The highest mountains, to the lowest place. From milliseconds to millennium, we keep careful track, From a razor’s edge we calculate from to the sun and back. Timing is everything it’s what we’ve all … Continue reading

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The Curtain

Death pursues us, every one, All beneath the burning sun. Hounds the people of the earth, From the first day of their birth. No one knows their coming date With the reaper, he won’t be late. One thing’s certain, one … Continue reading

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Our beautiful Father in Heaven, turn to us and hear, As we beseech and try to reach our prayer to your ear. The blessings you bestow on us are more than all the stars, Untold millions, many billions no one … Continue reading

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Ode to Saint Baldricks

Shave your head in mourning for the children in whom you delight; make yourself as bald as the vulture, for they will go from you into exile. Micah 1:16 Hair today, gone tomorrow, it’s pride before the bald, Does vanity … Continue reading

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Do Angels Have Wings?

Do angels have wings? The Bible doesn’t say, many times they’re written about in many different ways. We’ve all seen pictures, statues, with wings upon their backs, but can we say for sure, is it myth or fact Messengers of … Continue reading

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Love in action was Christ on the tree, He gave His life for you and for me. What we give others will surely return, It cannot be stolen, rot, rust or burn. So here is my coupon for some of … Continue reading

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Wide Open

The curtains been torn on the Most Holy Place, May we enter with reverence as we enter in faith. For those born again what a privilege sublime, To enter its splendor as we choose the time. The high priest of … Continue reading

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