Monthly Archives: January 2014

Beautiful Book

Beautiful Book, life for the soul, Conquers death, worth more than gold. Words that are hidden to eyes blind to faith, But wisdom and knowledge for those under Grace. God’s precious letter from Heaven sent down, To earth here below, … Continue reading

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The Open Door

My Door is wide open, why will you not come in, But you have shut it, in spite of my Love once again. I will not come begging for love that is not there, Who can demand for someone to … Continue reading

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Sweet Spot

The earth is froze and the cold wind blows, Let me go to that sweet spot. The whole world’s fighting, even now as I’m writing. Let me go to that sweet spot. Everybody’s pushing, everybody’s shoving, For that pie in … Continue reading

Posted in Prayer | 1 Comment

The Hired Hand and the Son of Man

Oh little shepherd boy, watch now the sheep, Guide them up the path so steep. For you’ve been given the revealing light, To pierce the darkness to expose what’s right. The shepherd’s path is straight and narrow, His Boss told … Continue reading

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Who is God to me?

My mind is way too tiny to begin to even think about how great God truly is. Besides that, my natural man has an ego (short for Edging God Out) that falsely tells me that I know what’s best and … Continue reading

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Story Time

This email was sent as an invitation to attend a meeting at Joel’s home. Although the meeting has come and gone, the content of the email may be of interest to readers. There are many stories in the Bible of … Continue reading

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Show & Tell

This email was sent as an invitation to attend a meeting at Joel’s home. Although the meeting has come and gone, the content of the email may be of interest to readers. Everybody ought to know this game. You come … Continue reading

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Broken Cycle

Cycle of earth turns round and round, What once came by birth returns to the ground. Daylight to darkness the world as it turns, Our time on this earth, a candle that burns. The leaves on the trees they die … Continue reading

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The Inner Light

Spirit of God, Holy, divine, May all that I am, be wholly thine. Brilliant white light exposes all sin, Lights up my heart, shines from within. As I give you room, you fill me up, And your bountiful Love over-runneth … Continue reading

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Hand to Hand

The Hand of our God is open so wide, All that we need sits waiting inside. His hand is open in mercy He gives, In Love He gives all things and all things are His. His kindness and grace they … Continue reading

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