I wake up every morning before the dawn of day,
I read the Timeless Word of God then unto Him I pray.
There’s just not enough time to tell all that I would say,
So, I keep on thanking, loving Him as I’m up and on my way.

No Amen, there’s no need, He lives inside my heart.
No Amen I will plead, there’s no stopping once I start.
No Amen He’s still listening, although I do ramble on,
No Amen, He’s not missing, not a word, not a song,
Please forgive me Jesus for that buzzing in your ear,
But there’s no one I love better and I have to make that clear.

I can talk to Jesus like a friend that’s by my side,
But He’s the King of Glory and for me He suffered, and He died.
The devil says He can’t hear us, but you know the devil lied,
Cause God’s promises I do stand on, they’re tested, true and tried.

No Amen, there’s no need, He lives inside my heart.
No Amen I will plead, there’s no stopping once I start.
No Amen He’s still listening, although I do ramble on,
No Amen, He’s not missing, not a word, not a song,
Please forgive me Jesus for that buzzing in your ear,
But there’s no one I love better and I have to make that clear.

From morning until late night, I praise His Holy Name,
And pray for those that I love that they would do the same.
For they don’t know the joy we share and that is such a shame,
His Love is stronger than the world and to the world this I do proclaim.

No Amen, there’s no need, He lives inside my heart.
No Amen I will plead, there’s no stopping once I start.
No Amen He’s still listening, although I do ramble on,
No Amen, He’s not missing, not a word, not a song,
Please forgive me Jesus for that buzzing in your ear,
But there’s no one I love better and I have to make that clear.


Evening and morning and at noon I will pray, and cry aloud,
And He shall hear my voice.
Psalms 55:17 NKJV

A note about “No Amen”: When praying with or in front of other people I say, “Amen” so we can move on to the next order of business. However, when I’m alone I like to leave the “line” open. Prayer can be done anytime, anywhere. God is present everywhere, 24/7. John Wesley said, “Whether we think of; or speak to God, whether we act or suffer for Him, all is prayer, when we have no other object than His Love and the desire of pleasing Him.”

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