Evil isn’t color-blind, it comes in every size and shape,
Evil is as evil does, it breeds contempt and hate.
White hate black, black hate white, but its not about some skin,
The problem’s not on the outside, it’s born from deep within.
We can always find a reason to hate our God-made brother,
If skin’s not the condition, we’ll always find another.
God’s painted flowers different shades, harmony for the eyes,
But harmony in the children of earth, Satan does despise.
He whispers in my gullible ear and says, “You’re better than them,”
He tells them the same about me, his lies they never end.
He points his finger and bid us join him, for the evil of a few,
He condemns a race by a meager case on what that few did do.
“It’s all about their color,” he says, “it defines just who they are,”
But Satan masquerades as an angel of light, a bright and shining star.
Prejudice we’re not born with, but from youth this evil’s trained,
The devil puts it in our heart, people put it in our brains.
Its not just about race or the color of one’s flesh,
Rich and poor, strong and weak, the smart and not so blessed.
When we put others down, it makes us feel superior,
But when we compare ourselves to Christ, we all have the same interior.
In John 3:16 we read, “For God so Loved the world,”
That’s every man, woman and babe, every boy and every girl.
Every color, size and shape, both good and also bad,
He Loved us so and this I know; He gave us the best He had.
Jesus died for every soul, even those who took His Life,
“Father, please forgive them,” the Words of the dying Christ.
He said for us to love each other no exception to this rule,
His deeds are our example, His words our mighty tool.
To break the chains of prejudice and love others as He Loved us all,
For we’ll be judged as we judge others and pride comes before the fall.


34 Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism 35 but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right.
Acts 19:34-35

A note about “Skin Deep” — I don’t know about you, but when I eat a hamburger I have no idea what color the cow was, I have a feeling when Satan (the great instigator) is banished to hell for eternity we might just be scratching our heads wondering how the prejudice thing ever came to be. Do you remember when you were a baby and used a diaper instead of a toilet? I can’t either and the reason we did it because we didn’t know any better. Same thing with listening to the devil, but be assured, that excuse in both cases is only temporary!

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