Faster than a speeding bullet the world it is a turning,
Like a raging fire, time is surely burning.
And though we may be sitting, we’re running ever fast,
Running to the future, running from the past.
These motions imperceptible, to the naked eye,
But perception is misleading, that we can’t deny.
Do we run with purpose, or do we run in the dark?
Are we headed for a great light or just a tiny spark?
Are we running for the prize or chasing our own tail?
Are we on the right track or running off the rails?
We’re either running toward our God or running far away,
It’s one or it’s the other every minute of the day.
Is it one step forward, or is it two steps back?
Are you on heavens highway, or are you on hells track?
You’re either for, or you’re against, there’s no middle of the road,
A man will reap the crop for sure, that he has surely sowed.
Are you running toward our God with faith just like a child?
Or are you running with the devil mile after evil mile?
Jonah went the other way when God told him where to go,
Upon a ship he tried to run, but the wind began to blow.
Wind and wave threatened to tear the sailing ship in two,
The crew they were terrified they didn’t know what to do.
They chose to cast some lots to find who was at fault,
If the culprit was revealed perhaps the storm would halt.
The lot fell on old Jonah, and he said, “You can blame me,”
So, they tossed him quickly overboard into the raging sea.
The waves soon calmed, and the wind died down,
And the men on the ship figured Jonah drowned.
But Jonah he was swallowed by a great big fish,
And he prayed to the Lord and the Lord heard his wish.
The fish spit out Jonah upon some high dry land,
And this time Jonah went, in accordance with God’s plan.
So, when the Master calls you to walk upon His path,
Please remember Jonah and how he incurred God’s wrath.
The people who’re around you may suffer from your sin,
The one who runs from God will lose and never win.
And a loser he is multiplied when responsible for others,
Will you sink the ship that holds your sisters and your brothers?
Or will you dock at heaven’s port with a joyous crew,
Who climbed aboard the Gospel ship because your compass it was true?


Therefore, I do not run like someone running aimlessly…
I Corinthians 9:26

A note about “FishBait”: Sometimes we think we are moving in God’s direction when the opposite is true. I was surprised to find that some people study their Bible with a passion for the sole reason of making themselves look smarter than someone else. Why would I think this? They do not apply this knowledge to their lives, but they are quick to show if off every chance they get and complete their performance with a smug look and a pat on their own back. Self-perception can be very deceiving. Some folks run from God claiming the end justifies the means. Whatever the reason as long as we are breathing, we can turn around. The sooner the better!

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