If God Wrote a Book

If God wrote a book, what might it say?
Would it tell us of truth, would it tell us the way?
Would it tell of the Love He has for mere man?
Would it tell of His purpose, tell of His plan?
What a book that would be, much greater than gold,Lauren
A pathway to heaven and a guide for our soul.
This book would reveal what He wants us to know,
As our love for our God would everyday grow.
This book in your hand that you see with your eyes,
Gives the wisdom from God to make a soul wise.
Wise to salvation, God’s unspeakable gift,
His only Son Jesus, everyone’s wish.
He died on a cross for you and for all,
Please listen to Him and come when He calls.
His story is written inside of these pages,
He’s Lord and He’s King from ages to ages.
For God shows His Love by His Son Jesus Christ,
Who came down from heaven to give us all life.
Life up in heaven and life here and now,
With the Word of our God these words are His vow.

Written for Lauren Junkins

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