When Your World Comes Crashing Down

When your world comes crashing down and all you thought was good,
Will it survive the fire as gold or burn up as mere wood?
For time it is a fire and refines the things of worth,
And all the things of worldly charm we’ll leave here on the earth.
Youth and beauty speed on past and vanish in the mist,Brianne
Time marches on with every dawn in vain we do resist.
But God has promised eternity within His words of gold,
And riches that will never burn we hide within our soul.
His word it never changes, it’s solid as a rock,
But worldly riches pass away with the moving of the clock.
The story upon these pages tells of God’s own special Son,
Who died on bloody cross and salvation it was won.
Won for me, won for you, won for all of faith,
So we may join Him, the King of Kings,
in His fantastic place.
The Words bring life or they condemn the choice is up to you,
So seal them in your mind and heart whatever that you do.
And He will raise you up on that joyous of all days,
So hide yourself within our Christ, the Truth, the Life, the Way.

Written for Brianne Brown

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