A Cup of Instant Joe

Joseph, Jacobs’s favorite son,
His brother’s use for him was none.
Jealous with envy and bitter hate,
They planned his death and his fate.
But His bro Judah saved his neck,
They sold that boy for twenty shecks.
A slave in Egypt he became,
A rocky start, to later fame.
His master’s wife he would not bed,
She said, “Hey Joe, you’ll wish you were dead.”
She cried “rape” though he did no crime,
It’s off to prison to do some time.
He interpreted dreams for Pharaohs’ staff,
One he died, the other laughed.
And he forgot old Joe in jail,
Till Pharaoh dreamed a crazy tale.
And Joseph told him what it meant,
“To the top”, said Pharaoh, and Joe was sent.
In charge of all that Pharaoh had,
From jail to this, won’t he glad.
When famine came upon the land,
His brothers came, needing a hand.
They did not know him, not at all,
But he knew them when they entered the hall.
He was not angry, nor sought to re-pay,
But forgave them all and asked them to stay.
A fore shadow of Christ, who soon would be,
The forgiver of all and set all free!

But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth
and to save your lives by a great deliverance.
Genesis 45:7

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