Greater Love Hath No Little Boy (Ode to Martin Cobb)

The World is a war zone in every street and every home,
The fight is over possession, what we wish and think we own.
But we do not own anything, for a time it’s in our care,
For God does give and can take it away to see just how we’ll share.
You cannot take it with you, neither money, nor your flesh,
And only when we give it away can a thing unto us bless.
The whole world is a battlefield, and sin’s Satan’s weapon of choice,
We’re fighting against God Himself when we heed the devil’s voice.
But God’s Kingdom wields no weapon, just a banner that’s unfurled,
The flag of His Love raised and it will one day rule the world.
Self-denial, absence of greed, it looks to the greater good,
He taught us well by example, His Son nailed to cross of wood.
Martin CobbNow Martin was a little boy, he was the age of eight,
Who’d of thought he’d lose his life to another’s lust and hate.
Defender of his beloved sis, for her he gave his life,
But in giving it he gained it back, for he’s in the arms of Christ.
A hero of most noble blood he spilled it for another,
A perfect copy of our Lord who gave His own for His brothers.
Now Martin is much greater than men of wealth or fame,
For on the Book of Life is written Martins Cobb’s sweet lovely name.
Now some may say he fought the devil and that the devil won,
But his days are far from over and his better life’s begun.
Oh that we’d learn from Martin and learn from Jesus too,
Our life is not what we possess, but what we give and do.
What good is it to gain the world and lose our only soul?
Yes, when we live to only give our wealth is more than gold.
Sweet Martin you’re my hero and one day we shall meet
Inside the city of God, upon that golden street.
But for now the battle rages on upon this bright blue ball,
And may we listen to the voice of Love, “give it up now, give it all.”


Greater love has no one than this that he lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13

A note about “Greater Love Hath No Little Boy”: Martin Cobb was eight, his sister was twelve. Another un-named boy was sixteen. The sixteen-year-old was attempting to rape Martin’s sister. Martin and his sister were inseparable. Quoting the newspaper, “He and his sister never seemed to be apart. They walked to the store together, rode skateboards together, and ran to church together. She would carry him on her hip like a baby, or balance him on the handlebars of her bike while she pedaled.” Martin was killed by the boy while trying to defend his sister. There are no words that can express the love that Marty had for his sister. But an even more wonderful mystery is the sublime Love God has for us. He does not look up to us, but down on us. The Creator of all there is, laying down His life for the likes of me.

“But God demonstrates His own Love for us in this;
while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Romans 5:8

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