Monthly Archives: December 2013

Man the Lifeboat

Man the lifeboat, our ship is sinking, going down its glory shrinking. All we work for, all we save, slips below the rolling wave. Don’t look behind, don’t hesitate, no time to lose, no time to wait. Those who tarry … Continue reading

Posted in Burden for the Lost | Leave a comment

My Anchor

Jesus, anchor for my soul, Hold me fast when seas doth roll. Wind and wave from tempest seas, Keep me safe, oh Prince of Peace. Though storms may dare to run us aground, Oh Savior keep me safe and sound. … Continue reading

Posted in Troubles | Leave a comment

Lay Your Hammer Down

He who forms the hearts of all, who considers all they do. He, who patiently, patiently calls, who Loves us through and through. He knows our plans, He knows our dreams, where we stand, our shady schemes. To Him our … Continue reading

Posted in Sin | Leave a comment

The Priveledge Sublime

Dearest Lord Jesus, teach me to pray, As you so desire, I gladly obey. I can’t comprehend why you’d listen to me, But you said you would, so down on my knees. I thank you, I love you, is more … Continue reading

Posted in Prayer | Leave a comment

The Ultimate Artist

From the rising of the sun they will revere His glory. Isaiah 59:19 Who is the one who paints the sky, with fire and light and clouds on high? The rise of the sun with brilliant hues, red, purple, gold, … Continue reading

Posted in God's Kingdom vs The World | Leave a comment

The Carpenter’s Masterpiece

A tree in the forest like all the rest, A haven for birds who find a high nest. Not really big as trees sometimes grow, Its destiny great but who’d ever know? A mast for a ship that rules the … Continue reading

Posted in The Cross | Leave a comment

Memory Lapse

Hello, Lord, it’s me, your old friend, Forgive me if I perchance offend. I’m not perfect and this is so true, But I don’t do what some of the others do. My sins are small, petty at most, I’m humble … Continue reading

Posted in Forgiveness | Leave a comment

The Master (of disguise)

For God so loved the human race, He donned a mask, a bearded face. Flesh and blood, skin and bone, He walked among us, far from His home. No sin, no vice, did He partake, He bled, He died, for … Continue reading

Posted in Jesus | Leave a comment

Revived and Alive

All the earth celebrates in joyous exaltation, of the One who by His hand, formed all of the creation. After winter’s dreary death, a cold and quiet rest. An explosion of vivid color by nature’s congregation. The sun warms the … Continue reading

Posted in Easter | Leave a comment

“Follow Me,” sayeth the Master

“Follow me,” sayeth the master, not just in word but in deed, Through the valley of death, till our souls reach their rest. “Follow me,” I heard Him plead. Follow Him to the hereafter; He’s already marked His path. A … Continue reading

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