Monthly Archives: January 2014


Each piece of silver placed in the plate, Rings a bell that Satan hates. The Gospel sound this bell does ring, For which Christ died and angel’s sing. The smallest stone thrown in the lake, On every shore does ripples … Continue reading

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New Year’s Revolution

I’ve made up my mind; I’ve taken a vow, Next year I won’t do the things I do now. A fresh start is just the thing that I need, I’ll have only good thoughts and do only good deeds. Next … Continue reading

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Midnight Caller

Lord Jesus, hear me please, I’m down on bended knee, I’m knocking on the door, of our Father’s Holy store, My friends they need some bread, and by your hands we’re fed, The hour it is late and I’m so … Continue reading

Posted in Burden for the Lost | Leave a comment


A young child one day came to me with a question big as they come, “I know that God made everything, but where did He come from? You can’t get something for nothing; it’s what’s been always told, And I … Continue reading

Posted in Mysteries | Leave a comment

All My Hope, Lord

All my hope, Lord, is in your Word, Anything less is quite absurd. All my doubt is in my power, I need your grace every hour. Your Word of wisdom, Word of life, is found in here, found in Christ. … Continue reading

Posted in Kids' Bible Dedications | Leave a comment

Agape (as God amazingly perceives everyone)

What is stronger than a mother’s love for the baby at her breast? What removes my stain and sin as far as east from west? What outlasts heaven and earth, the stars in outer space? What can melt the hardest … Continue reading

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Blessed Insomnia

As I lie on my bed with so much joy I can’t sleep, As I think of our God by whose grace my soul keeps. Nobody knows the trouble I’ve been, Only God knows the extent of my sin. I … Continue reading

Posted in Bad to Good | Leave a comment

Don’t Slight the Hand that Feeds You

Please do not grieve God’s Holy Spirit, What you speak or think, He surely will hear it. We are not bound by the law anymore, But love for Christ, is what we should live for. A friend that you love, … Continue reading

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God of All Matter (and the smallest detail)

Praise to the Creator of heaven and earth, Who looks down on this sinner and sees something of worth. Praise to Him who calls the stars out by name, And the hairs of my head, He knows just the same. … Continue reading

Posted in Praise | Leave a comment


The watchmen they sleep and God He prepares, The angel will reap the wheat and the tares. The wine press is ready, for grapes of great wrath, The march of men steady on their destructive path. The fig bush it … Continue reading

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