Monthly Archives: January 2014

When Your World Comes Crashing Down

When your world comes crashing down and all you thought was good, Will it survive the fire as gold or burn up as mere wood? For time it is a fire and refines the things of worth, And all the … Continue reading

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What a Beautiful Sight

What a beautiful, wonderful sight to behold, The One who has fashioned our body and soul. Has written a letter, a message of Love, It came down to earth from heaven above. Written on pages of paper and ink, If … Continue reading

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Upon These Pages We See God

Upon these pages we see God’s Love, He gave to the world from up above. The story of His only Son, Who knew no sin, no not one. He lived in Love and died in pain, But by His death … Continue reading

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The Bible is the Seed of God

The Bible is the seed of God, Sown in men’s hearts, not in sod. It tells of how we’re born again, How we are saved and cleansed from sin. Our faith it grows like crops in field, With hand of … Continue reading

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Summer, dawn don’t be gone, I wish it would ever stay. My favorite of all seasons the best part of the day, the red sun rises in the sky and clears the morning mist. The dew remains upon the plain … Continue reading

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Oh Give Thanks

Oh give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good, He gave His Son to save our souls, nailed to the cross of wood. This Book you hold within your hands, Tells of God’s Salvation plan. Jesus perfect without sin, … Continue reading

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Jacob Wrestled with a Man

Jacob wrestled with a Man all night, They struggled with each other until daylight. The Man He wrenched old Jacobs’s hip, But He could not break strong Jacob’s grip. For Jacob would not dare let go, For this Man’s name … Continue reading

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If God Wrote a Book

If God wrote a book, what might it say? Would it tell us of truth, would it tell us the way? Would it tell of the Love He has for mere man? Would it tell of His purpose, tell of … Continue reading

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God Has Given His Word

God has given mankind His word, It’s in these pages rest assured. If you would seek Him then you must read, His Holy word will supply your need. The earth is filled with the work of His hands, But this … Continue reading

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Book of Treasure

Book of Treasure, words of gold, By God’s measure He fills our soul. Promises of truth that’s in this Book Are made for all, just take a look. Life eternal of joy and hope, Words of wisdom to help us … Continue reading

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