Monthly Archives: December 2013

Ground Rules (The Story of Richard Brown)

Farmer Brown he loved the ground, the smell of it, the feel, But poor old Rick a city slick, he didn’t know the deal. That he must sow in careful rows, inside a well tilled field. He’d work all day, … Continue reading

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Generations Come

Generations come, Generations go, One constant remains through ebb and through flo. A book that has stood the grand test of time, It seems to get better like the choicest of wine. Read by our forefathers it lit up their … Continue reading

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The Mockingbird, he sings alone, to those who hear his voice, He sings a song to God above; in this he has no choice. He spread his wings, in joy he sings, he simply can’t resist, His song of praise … Continue reading

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Imagine That

If I were King, King of the world, I think I’d hide my crown To see if love, real true love, could actually be found. If all power and wealth was mine alone, I’d never be quite sure If people … Continue reading

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Forecast: Dark Days & Fiery Nights

Watchman on the tower, tell me what you see, There’s a storm a-brewin’, gonna knock you to your knees. Weatherman, tell me, is the watchman right? Put your head ‘tween your knees and grab your ankles tight. Where will it … Continue reading

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Happy Father’s Day

On Father’s Day we honor Him, Who loves us more than our best friend. He watched us grow up from a child, Felt our pains, all the while. He holds our hands with strongest grip, He carries us when our … Continue reading

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Buena Vista (Past, Present, Future)

I stand on a mountain, a mountain of gold, I give it out freely, cause it cannot be sold. I’m up from the valley, where I almost gave up. I drank the devil’s own brew from the devil’s own cup. … Continue reading

Posted in Bad to Good | Leave a comment


While peeking through the “door” one day, what did my eyes behold, a place where all our youth’s restored, where no one shall get old. Look it’s daddy Herbert and his mother Mammy dear, they look so young and perfect, … Continue reading

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A Cup of Instant Joe

Joseph, Jacobs’s favorite son, His brother’s use for him was none. Jealous with envy and bitter hate, They planned his death and his fate. But His bro Judah saved his neck, They sold that boy for twenty shecks. A slave … Continue reading

Posted in Kids' Bible Dedications | Leave a comment

Go Towards the Light

The grand and mighty oak reaches skyward, its branches straining for light, grasping for grace. The vast and endless ocean, rolling on the accord of the moon’s silent tug, brightly lit, or just a trace. The world’s largest ships, steered … Continue reading

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